The Library: Revised and Condensed

Ludwig Wittgenstein - Everything is Bullshit—Including Bullshit (1953)

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Philosophy is bullshit, and the only true philosophy is to do away with philosophy. Why? Because philosophical problems themselves are the problem. In fact, they don’t exist at all. They stem from confusion.

Socrates, Plato, Descartes, etc.—those guys took stances and advanced theories —and that’s why they’re full of shit. You can’t have a theory without being full of shit.

My solution is a non-solution—a non-theory to replace theories, and an activity that eliminates the confusion of philosophy’s beliefs.

Having a theory means you’re confused by ideas that don’t quite exist in reality.

Philosophical problems can only be solved by not solving them, and not by actually solving them. In other words, we should treat philosophy as an activity instead of a system of beliefs, and get to a point where philosophical problems solve themselves by killing themselves.

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