The Library: Revised and Condensed

Recorded Teachings of the Buddha (500 BC)

Who shapes our lives? Who created the universe? God? The Absolute? The Self? No one? Who shapes our lives? Who created the universe? I’m asking you! Because honest to G/god(s) (if he/she/they/it exists/exist), I really don’t know.

But that’s not what’s important.

What is important? That, I do know … I think. Or, maybe I don’t know. But, let’s just assume I do. After all, I am the Buddha. At least, I think I am. I mean, that’s what it says on the back of my underwear.

Adam and Eve

Anyways, here’s what I think is important: abandoning selfishness and doing good. Though our selfish desires appear pleasant on the surface (to a deluded person like you—but not to me), they bait us into living in a hell of our own making. (The selfish desires themselves, however, are caused entirely by one couple’s decision to eat some forbidden apples). And once you stop following those desires, your self-created hell will disappear.

I tried depriving myself—it was too much. I tried indulging myself—it, too, was too much. So I decided to satisfy the necessities of life, and stop there. (Although to be honest, I still splurge on a café latte every once in a while.) Only through this path of moderation can we conquer ourselves and bring our state of sorrow to an end. (If you’re looking for the path, it’s somewhere between a Monastery and Rick James’s house.)

A man who makes a million wants ten million—and should he make ten million, he’ll want a hundred million—and should he reach that goal, he’ll set his sights on a billion—and should he make it that far, he’ll long for ten billion—and should he manage to reach ten billion, he’ll still be unsatisfied. Next thing he’ll know, he’ll be dead.

A life like that isn’t as good as an hour well-spent. Really. All that BS you’re planning to do for the next five years won’t be as good as what you should do for the next hour or so.

Uproot your selfish desires now. I’m not kidding you! Do it right now! Put on your gloves, get on your knees, and pull them out.

And don’t underestimate the right and wrong paths. They can add up little by little—and before you know it, you’ll be a saint or a degenerate.

Remain ever awake and vigilant, and always set your thoughts on the Way.

I can point it out—but you must make the effort. (In other words, if you don’t attain liberation, it’s your fault—not mine.)

Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
The Analects of Confucius
The Bible
The Qur’an
Teachings of Reality’s Only True Non-Existent God
The Apology of Socrates
Nietzsche: The Anti Tzschurch & The Nietzschruth

Buddha Quotes